
Elderly British Man Tells Pokémon Joke to Emperor

Sean Coughlan from BBC News:

The King’s speech talked of the close friendship between the UK and Japan.

“Ours is a partnership with deep roots,” said the King, in areas of science, culture, defence and trade."

He also referenced some Japanese contributions to popular culture, including the Hello Kitty brand and mentioned the “Pokemon phrase ‘gotta catch ‘em all’”.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world...

Japanese Widely Adopt VR Tech Due to Want for Anonymity

Samantha Low from The Japan Times:

“Japanese users have long preferred platforms like Twitter that allow you to be anonymous over something like Facebook that makes it mandatory to use your real name,” Moreno says. “Virtual reality experiences like VRChat are an extension of anonymity. Some users even use voice changers. They are able to create a representation of themselves that they want to show to the world.”