Japan Airlines

ANA and JAL Develop Joint Customer Harassment Guidelines

From Kyodo:

The two biggest Japanese airline operators said the guidelines address customer behaviors such as badgering staff, irrational demands and physical violence, among other typical issues.

Obviously good for the employees of the two airlines and good for the passengers that have the decency to treat these employees like human beings. But, as a troublesome customer can be more than just a nuisance for an employee and be an actual safety hazard for a whole airplane full of passengers, should these guidelines come from the government level and have criminal penalties?

A History of Japan Airlines Livery

From Norebbo:

Despite how simplistic you might think that the Japan Airlines livery is, it’s a perfect example of a clean and classy design evolution. Not much has changed since the early 1950s, and that’s what makes it so great.

Some beautiful recreations of JAL aircraft from the past to the present day. Excellent blog for aircraft nerds as well.