Symposium on Two Leaders in the Creation of the Japanese Constitution Held Today in Fukushima

Kenji Kimura from The Mainichi:

On July 13, a symposium titled "The Two Suzukis Who Gave Birth to the Constitution -- Postwar History Beginning in Fukushima" organized to shed light on a fragment of Japan's postwar history and explore the future of the Constitution will be held in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture. One of those two is Yasuzo Suzuki (1904-1983) from Minamisoma, and the other is Yoshio Suzuki (1894-1963) from Shirakawa.

The symposium will be held at Ukifune Bunka Kaikan hall from 2 p.m. on July 13. Admission is free, up to a maximum capacity of 300 people. Applications can be made through a dedicated form accessed by QR code, or by emailing the event secretariat at