
Tokyo, officially the Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of the most populous cities in the world, with a population of over 14 million residents as of 2023 and the second-most-populated capital in the world. The Greater Tokyo Area, which includes Tokyo and parts of six neighboring prefectures, is the most-populous metropolitan area in the world, with 40.8 million residents as of 2023. [w]

Diplomatic Archives Exhibition Space Moved to New Facility

Hiroyuki Tanaka from The Mainichi:

The renewed exhibition room is located on the fifth floor of Mori JP Tower, Japan's tallest building, which opened in November 2023. It includes a special section featuring materials related to Chiune Sugihara (1900-1986), who issued "visas for life" to Jewish refugees during World War II while serving as a vice-consul for the Japanese Empire in Lithuania, and on Shigeru Yoshida (1878-1967), a diplomat who served as foreign minister and prime minister.

Admission to the new exhibition room is free, and unlike the prior facility, it is open on Saturdays, too. It remains closed on Sundays and public holidays.