Gallop Poll Shows Japanese Workers Most Unmotivated


A recent global survey conducted by Gallup on employee engagement, including job motivation and willingness to contribute to an organization, found that the percentage of employees in Japan who are motivated by and actively engaged in their work was just 6% in 2023, which was among the lowest levels in the world. The result for Japan stands out in contrast to the average of 23% worldwide and 18% in East Asia. Mongolia was the East Asian country with the highest proportion of motivated and engaged employees, at 41%.

Tracks with what I see in my everyday office life.

Japan Airlines Experiments With Live Translation

From The Yomiuri Shimbun:

When passengers and airport staff speak, the display shows a translation into one of 13 languages, including English and Chinese. This appears on a transparent display, allowing speakers to still see each other’s faces.

Click through to the article to see the photo of how this works. Pretty cool tech and I hope they keep it after the trial period.

A Love Letter to CostCo in Japan

Takehiro Higashi from Kyodo:

Since its arrival on Japan's shores a quarter-century ago, American membership-only warehouse food and home goods club retailer Costco has grown significantly and evolved into being seen by many as a consumption-driven savior for struggling local economies.

The CostCo bulgogi stick was the only thing keeping peace between Japan and Korea over the past decade. May it drip scalding hot meat juice on me for years to come.

ANA and JAL Develop Joint Customer Harassment Guidelines

From Kyodo:

The two biggest Japanese airline operators said the guidelines address customer behaviors such as badgering staff, irrational demands and physical violence, among other typical issues.

Obviously good for the employees of the two airlines and good for the passengers that have the decency to treat these employees like human beings. But, as a troublesome customer can be more than just a nuisance for an employee and be an actual safety hazard for a whole airplane full of passengers, should these guidelines come from the government level and have criminal penalties?

Osaka Expo Mascot Myaku-Myaku on Japan Airlines Livery

From The Mainichi:

The plane is Japan Airlines' second Myaku-Myaku jet designated to fly abroad from Japan. On the aircraft, drinks are served in paper cups with the Myaku-Myaku design on them. The plane will fly until August next year to promote the expo to the world.

It is worth it to look up photos of this nightmare fuel. I can't believe that this character design made it past any kind of committee.

Aeon to Hire 4000 Foreign Skilled Workers

Ryo Asayama from Nikkei:

Leading Japanese retailer Aeon will take on 4,000 skilled foreign workers groupwide by fiscal 2030 amid severe labor shortages in Japan's food service sector, Nikkei has learned.

The Aeon group currently employs around 1,500 under Japan's Specified Skilled Worker program, which targets foreign workers with specialized skills in shorthanded industries. They work largely at food-processing plants that supply Aeon supermarkets.