Hokkaido Bear Hunters Angry Over Poor Compensation

Julian Ryall from South China Morning Post:

Hunters in northern Japan are refusing to take on the surging bear population, warning that “fighting a brown bear is like fighting a US military commando”.

With a record 219 bear attacks, including six fatalities, over the past year, rural communities are desperate for help – but hunters say the dangerous job simply isn’t worth the meagre pay.

Bear hunter is one of the professions that you should never underpay and never get on their bad side.

Fake My Number Cards Widely Circulating, Backed by Overseas Organized Crime

Taihei Bito from The Yomiuri Shimbun:

The work consisted of simply printing personal information data on both sides of a white card with a fake IC chip embedded. She would often make 60 cards in a day, which she would then send to specified domestic addresses. For one day’s work, she would receive electronic money equivalent to about ¥12,000 to ¥16,000.

The MPD investigated, suspecting that the person giving instructions was in China. On May 15, they arrested two Chinese nationals on charges including suspicion of forging sealed official documents for allegedly making fake My Number cards at the request of the same group. They believe the forged cards may have been used for purposes such as setting up mobile phone contracts.

The whole point of a digital ID is that the digital bit can prove authenticity of the card itself. The fact that most businesses and banks rely only on the visual information printed on a card without certifying the digital certificate renders the whole enterprise pointless. While the counterfeiting of these cards is certainly a problem, the real issue is that people don't seem to understand or care on how to use this IDs for their intended purpose.

Hundred of SDF Staff in the Japanese Defense Ministry Scolded Over Power Harassment

From The Yomiuri Shimbun:

In 2022, the ministry conducted a special inspection of more than 200,000 Self-Defense Forces personnel about “power harassment” after a female former SDF member made accusations of sexual abuse under her real name.

Last December, the ministry announced it would punish 245 employees, mainly SDF staff called “uniformed officials.”

Action should be taken against any harassment but I am hesitant to think that this will make any kind of real difference in actual future change towards more equitable workplaces.

United Airlines Flight to Guam Calls Emergency, Returns to Nagoya

From Kyodo:

A United Airlines plane bound for Guam on Sunday returned to Chubu airport in Aichi Prefecture for an emergency landing after detecting a system malfunction during the flight, the transport ministry said.

Flight 136, a Boeing 737 aircraft, made the return landing at around 11:35 a.m. There were no injuries among the 44 passengers and six crew members on board, according to the ministry.

While everything regarding getting the plane on the ground went to plan, the increased scrutiny of Boeing and airlines make accidents like this more and more prominent in the public mind.

Koike Reelected as Tokyo Governor

Tomoyuki Tachikawa from Kyodo:

Koike, 71, secured a third consecutive four-year term, defeating Shinji Ishimaru, a 41-year-old social media-savvy former mayor from Hiroshima Prefecture, who closely contested second place with Renho, a 56-year-old former lawmaker backed by the main opposition party.

The election was initially expected to be a neck-and-neck race between Koike and Renho, both former TV anchors. However, Ishimaru, relatively unknown in Tokyo before the official campaign began, significantly boosted his profile by expanding his election activities through social media.

More of the same. Again.

Making Orin, Metal Bowls Used In Buddhists Ceremonies

Yuya Iwasaki from The Yomiuri Shimbun:

Orin metallic bowls, which are used in Buddhist rituals and ceremonies, produce a clean and clear high-pitched sound when struck. The purifying sound stretches out as if echoing in the ears.

The orin made by Kazuya Nanjo transcend the conventional framework of Buddhist implements. They move people’s hearts even when used in interior decoration or as a musical instrument.

A great look into the craftsmanship of making these precise bowls and the determination of keeping a tradition alive.

French Fusion Cuisine on Okinawan Island

Robbie Swinnerton from The Japan Times:

You are on the small island of Kouri, seated in the plush dining room of 6 Six, a restaurant with a small name but a reputation that is growing fast. The cuisine it serves is usually described as innovative French. It would be closer to the truth to call it one of a kind.

The name, whose French pronunciation sounds like "cease" (rendered in Japanese as "shisu"), apparently refers to the sixth sense — intuition or an elevated sensibility. Certainly, all the standard five senses are given an extended workout over the course of a dinner that can take almost three hours from sitting down to the final coffee and mignardises (petits fours).

The Madness of the 2024 Tokyo Governor Election

Mari Yamaguchi from The Sydney Morning Herald:

“They are distasteful. As a Japanese citizen I feel embarrassed, as I see many foreign visitors pass by those billboards and they must wonder what’s going on,” said Mayumi Noda, an office worker. “As a voter, I think it’s outrageous and disrespectful to the other candidates who are seriously competing.”

A record 56 candidates, including incumbent Governor Yuriko Koike, who seeks her third four-year term, are running in the election. Many of the candidates are fringe figures or influencers seeking even more exposure. They include a man dressed as The Joker, who supports freedom of sexual expression, including allowing polygamy to help Japan’s falling birth rate.

While the exploitation of the traditional poster advertising system was a nice way to show its flaws, there is a more nihilist element in these elections than usual. Even moreso than in the British elections on Thursday, which featured its usual cast of characters like Elmo, Count Binface, and Rishi Sunak.

US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel on US Military Sexual Assaults in Okinawa

From South China Morning Post:

“Obviously, you got to let the criminal justice process play out. But that doesn’t mean you don’t express on a human level your sense of regret.”

“We have to do better,” he said, adding that the US military’s high standards and protocols for education and training of its troops was “just not working”.

Emanuel said the US may be able to propose measures to improve training and transparency with the public at US-Japan foreign and defence ministers’ security talks expected later this month in Tokyo.

Suzuki Surname Originated from Wakayama

From The Mainichi:

According to Fujishiro Shrine, located in the Wakayama Prefecture city of Kainan, a family named "Suzuki" moved from the Kumano region in the south Kii Peninsula to Fujishiro (present-day Kainan) around the late Heian period (794-1185), and from their base there, they spread the Kumamo faith centering on the three grand shrines of Kumano.

Sounds like an interesting visit to celebrate all the Suzukis in your life.

Iwao Hakamada, on Death Row in Japan for Nearly Half a Century, Could Gain Freedom

Justin McCurry from The Guardian:

The former professional boxer, now aged 88 and battling physical and mental illness, will learn his fate in late September when the Shizuoka district court rules in his retrial, which started in March 2023. He has not appeared in court, having been declared mentally unfit to give credible evidence. His long incarceration has exposed what campaigners call inhumane treatment of death row inmates in Japan.

Regardless of his guilt or not, the death penalty is an echo of an uncivilized past and Japan could easily gain a few rungs on the human rights ladder by abolishing it.

Japan to Join NATO Summit With Other Pacific Nations

Hiroshi Tajima from The Yomiuri Shimbun:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is scheduled to hold a summit meeting with Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand on Thursday on the sidelines of a NATO summit, which is set to begin Tuesday in Washington, a U.S. government official said Friday.

NATO and the four countries are expected to discuss cyber affairs, countermeasures against false information and Ukraine aid, while keeping China and Russia in mind.

Interest in 2025 Osaka Expo Lower than Anticipated

Norimasa Tahara from The Yomiuri Shimbun:

According to a Mitsubishi Research Institute survey, 27% of respondents expressed an interest in visiting the Expo as of April this year, almost unchanged from the previous survey conducted in October 2023 and four points lower than in October 2022. The number of pre-ordered tickets sold was approximately 2.8 million as of June 19, or only 20% of the target.

This is unfortunate but not unexpected. As a bit of a World Expo nerd, I am really excited to visit simply because my mid-20th century utopian ideals still haven't been totally purged from my psyche. Events like the 1964 World Expo and places that ape the Expo ethos like 1980s EPCOT Center had an optimistic, global view of the future which is sadly rare nowadays. Expos have always been driven by a commercial drive for pavilion sponsors and business in the host city, but it could be much more than that. Hoping that Osaka can provide a unique experience that will drive people to visit.

Biking Through History in Asuka

Edward Taylor from The Japan Times:

During the Yamato Period (300-710), this village was one of the earliest capitals of the nascent Yamato state, even meriting its own aptly named Asuka Period (552-645) — a time of cultural blooming and political consolidation (indeed, it was during this era that the country of Japan began to refer to itself by the modern name of “Nihon” instead of the archaic “Wa”).

A cycling tour of this former capital does sounds like a relaxing way to spend a day. Lots of ruins from the earliest eras of human settlement in Japan to see.

2024 Brings Japanese Prestige TV to Worldwide Audiences

Patrick St. Michel from The Japan Times:

The onset of summer provides the perfect excuse to stay inside with the air conditioning and catch up on your streaming queue. For those planning to binge some Japan-related shows alongside new seasons of “House of the Dragon” and “The Bear,” 2024 has been particularly bountiful ... with awards even possible in the near future when Emmy nominations are announced July 17.

If you need more shows to add to your list, there are some good recommendations for recent and upcoming series in this article.